A great professor is many things. One must have knowlege of the content, passion for the discipline, respect for the potential of students, and a sense of humility. Most of all, they are attentive to their students with a sense of reason and empathy.
Jo Michael Scheibe is a member of Faculty Row. What is Faculty Row? Faculty Row is a private, global network of accomplished academics, allowing these qualified individuals to connect and collaborate with one another. Faculty Row is a fairly new network, founded by Jeffrey C. Finder in 2009.
The members of Faculty Row are sure to educate its community the community each day but providing resources valuable to academics. Such resources include job postings, professional consulting, expert witness recruitment, relevant breaking news, articles, research and videos.
Access to a highly fragmented global job market began to be shared on Faculty Row in 2013. The group is partnered with Jobs.ac.uk, the largest aggregator of PhD jobs outside the U.S.
Faculty Row is committed to providing tools, resources and access to a network that fosters positive change, innovation and adaptation. This is an opportunity to expand yourself.
In 2015, Faculty Row declared their mission going forward to be focused on helping academics adapt and monetize their expertise through traditional and non traditional means. Academia is about to undergo a transformation with unknowns ahead and it is important to provide aid and stability for one another.
Frequently Asked Questions
How was I nominated?
Current members of Faculty Row are allowed to nominate up to 3 colleagues or peers for review per year. The member has the option to nominate anonymously if they choose. The nomination can be submitted through the “Nominate” tab on the Faculty Row website.
What is our vetting process like?
Candidates are vetted by the Faculty Row Admissions Team on a daily basis. The purpose of the vetting is to determine an individuals eligibility for admission. Vetting includes speaking with a Faculty Row Admissions Director who has the right to grant or deny admission at any time.
What are Super Professors?
Super Professors are a peer reviewed group of academics that consistently demonstrate passion, excellence and clarity. These individuals are usually considered academic experts. As technology stratifies academia, “we are convinced that leading educators, or Super Professors, will become increasingly valuable going forward. Student classrooms and expert knowledge will continue to become global on a massive scale,” said Jeffrey Finder, Faculty Row Director.
What’s going on in Higher Education?
In 2015 there are many experiments focused on education going on globally. Such experiments are focusing on technologies that can help increase efficiency and affordability of education. Faculty Row members are encouraged to focus on their personal brand.
Smart phones and tablets will continue to play a key role in the transformation of eduction. Yet there are still unknowns of how traditional education models will evolve.
What are some examples of “experiments” with affordable or free education?
EDx – an extension of the expired MITx
TED Ed – an extension of TED Talks
Sal Khan’s, Khan Academy
Sebastian Thrun’s, Udacity
Daphne Koller & Andrew Ng’s, Coursera